NYFBR Intro Seminar

NYC Introduction Seminar to Field Biology & Research

IS:FBR is a 4-day long seminar, including one overnight excursion, spread over three weeks over the summer. We'll master the basics of field biology, wildlife conservation, science research, and more. We'll observe, identify, and study the bioversity of both local ecosystems within our city, and we'll learn how to use lab instruments and the basics of research in the biological sciences.

This seminar, geared towards incoming high schoolers, rising sophomores, and rising juniors, is meant to equip you with meaningful knowledge in the fields of wildlife biology, with sustainability and environmental protection as the ultimate goal.

New York Environmental Youth Council (NYEYC)

This coming semester, your guides will be Jonah C., and me, Lawrence Z.

About 20 people will be selected by prerequisites and an interview, which will be held a week or two before the seminar starts. Check back often for updates on admission to the program!

Contact Lawrence Zheng for information at lawrencez5@nycstudents.net