Our goals are to instill a deep appreciation for nature and environmental responsibility in NYC's youth, providing them with hands-on experiences and knowledge in ecology, biology, and conservation through connection and stewardship. We'll strive to educate all children in the five boroughs with the five aims in mind: protection, preservation, conservation, stewardship, and education. As New York Environmental Youth Council, we'll advocate for sustainable practices and policies in the New York City metropolitan area. Join us in cultivating the next generation of environmental leaders and fostering a love for conservation in the heart of New York City.

Main Photo

Contact Lawrence Z. for information at lawrencez5@nycstudents.net

Contact Jonah A. C. for information about the whole of NYEYC at jonahc19@nycstudents.net

Donate to nycYSCI

Your support helps us continue our mission of environmental education and conservation.
